Subham Shri Jyothidam
Name Correction
Name correction
Name change is not for everyone. If your name and date of birth is in harmony with each other, then you don’t need name correction in Numerology.
If your Name number is not compatible with your Life Path Number, only then Numerologists suggest a Name Correction as per Numerology. But it’s not necessary if your name and life path number is not compatible, you need a name change. Sometimes people live a happy and successful life even if these two numbers are not compatible. In this case, they might have a strong compatibility in their other numbers.
Name change is suggested for people who face a lot of struggles, losses in business, failed marriages, failure in career and other problems. So, if you are facing any particular problems in your life and they are consistent, nothing is improving from a long time; then you should consider Name Correction.
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Appointment Days
Timings Available
10.00 am to 06.00 pm